Dear Employee:
Welcome to our agency. You have joined a team of highly respected home care staff in our community.
Starting a new job is exciting, but sometimes can be overwhelming. This Employee Handbook has been developed to help you become acquainted with our company and answer many of your questions.
Our business is people, our clients, and homecare staff. As in any company, we have people who issue instructions and people who execute instructions. But the “real bosses” are our clients. We must please them to stay in business. We are counting on you to make a good impression on our clients – good grooming habits, clean uniforms, good manners and courteous language show respect to them and create a positive image of our agency both to our clients and the public.
In order to function effectively, we must have solid policies and rules of conduct designed to assure the well-being of all, to be consistent in our actions, and to provide fair and impartial treatment for everyone. These rules and policies are not the basis for any contractual obligation between the employees and the agency. The agency reserves the right to modify, add or rescind any contents as required.
Our growth and reputation depend on you and the care you provide. We strive to assure that you have the ability and knowledge to give our clients the best care available. If you have any questions or need supervisory assistance, please call the office.
I’m not alone in being grateful for the work you are doing. I have received hundreds of emails and phone calls from guardians, our patients and/or their relatives and our members thanking you all for the wonderful work you are doing.
Much of the essential work we do cannot be done effectively from home. We have implemented a series of preventative health measures for employees – everything from increasing the frequency of handwashing, wiping door handles, and cleaning tables and chairs in the conference room to adjusting our practices in fulfillment to ensure that the recommended social distancing guidelines are met. We are meeting every day, working to identify additional ways to improve on these measures.
Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. I know that we’re going to get through this together.

Ejike Joe Ajalla
President/CEO, Eton Home Health Care, Inc.