Eton Home Health Care, Inc. contracts with the State of Oklahoma, Department of Human Services, and Developmental Disabilities Service Division (OKDHS/DDSD) to provide services to people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Each individual served by Eton Home Health Care, Inc. through one of the programs listed below has been authorized and funded by DDSD Medicaid Waiver funds.
Daily Living Supports
Daily Living Supports are provided to members in order to enable them to reside successfully in certain community-based settings, accomplishing tasks they would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability. These services are furnished to adults who reside in a home that is leased or owned by the member receiving services.
Daily Living Supports provide for therapeutic leave payment to enable the provider to retain personal care services during the time a member is out of his or her home for a period of time in excess of 24 hours without direct care staff because of hospitalization or other absence. Therapeutic Leave must be authorized and documented in the plan of care.
Usually, a home is occupied by three consumers, and expenses associated with this living arrangement are shared among the residents of the home.
Habilitation Training Services
This includes services to support a member’s self-care, daily living, adaptive, and leisure skills needed to reside successfully in the community. Services are provided in community-based settings in a manner that contributes to a member’s independence, self-sufficiency, community inclusion, and well-being. Our trained staff provides assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to activities of daily living, such as personal grooming and cleanliness, bed making, household chores, preparation of food, and the social and adaptive skills, necessary to enable the individual to be more independent.
Supported Living Services
The Supported Living Supports program is only available to Homeward Bound clients (former Hissom Memorial Center residents). Service recipients typically live in privately owned or rental housing with Eton Home Health Care, Inc. providing the necessary staffing.
Services consisting of general household activities such as meal preparation and routine household care provided by a trained homemaker, when the individual regularly responsible for these activities is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home and care for him or herself or others in the home. Homemaker services can help members with activities of daily living when needed. Agency Homemaker providers are supervised by provider agency staff with a minimum of four years of any combination of college-level education and/or full-time equivalent experience in serving people with disabilities. Individual Homemaker providers are supervised by DHS/DDS residential program.
In-Home Support Waiver Services
These waiver services allow individuals and families to select services necessary for each individual to remain in their own home or family home.
Nursing Care
Nursing services provided in the member’s home or other community setting are services requiring the specialized skills of a licensed nurse. Nursing services typically include detailed assessment and documentation of the member’s health needs, development, and implementation of the nursing plan of care, training, and coordination of care with other medical professionals and service providers. Services are provided when nursing services furnished under Sooner Care plan limits are exhausted. The scope and nature of these services do not otherwise differ from nursing services furnished under Sooner Care.

We offer transportation to eligible individuals under Medicaid waivers to and from their medical appointments when they need and request assistance with transportation. Medicaid only pays for the least expensive means suitable to the recipient’s needs.
We provide adults with developmental disabilities with vocational training and experience to prepare them in entering the competitive workplace while enabling them to earn an income. Under this program, we allow individuals to choose their personal goals, which are related to their work skills development.
Home Health Services
Home health care services are a Medicare benefit, offering clinical care in the comfort of your home. At Eton, we assign a team of clinical professionals to administer your care and do home visits as needed. The clinical team may consist of a registered nurse, licensed nurse, case manager, therapist, medical social worker, and other healthcare professionals and caregivers in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Our team works closely with your primary care physician to create an individualized care plan to deliver top-quality care, assisting with the patient’s recovery process while enabling independence at the comfort of one’s home.
Home health services may include:
- Wound care
- Catheter change
- Colostomy care
- Feeding tubes
- Post-surgical rehabilitation
- Post-injury rehabilitation
- Skilled nursing
- Patient and caregiver education
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Medical supplies
- And more
Who qualifies for Medicare home health benefits:
- Patients 65 years or older with Medicare or other insurance benefits.
- Patients who are homebound.
- Persons or patients who are unable to function outside of the home without assistance.
- Persons or patients restricted by injury, illness or disease.
- Persons or patients in need of nursing or rehabilitation services.
How much does home health services cost?
The cost of home health care may vary depending on the level of needs of an individual. If you’d want an estimated cost of our home health care services, please contact us.
ADvantage Program:
The ADvantage program is a Medicaid-funded program administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS) Aging Services. The program serves seniors age 65 and older and adults with physical disabilities age 21 and older. It allows members to receive services while remaining at their homes. ADvantage is a good alternative to other long-term care options like nursing homes.
Case Management:
The ADvantage Case Manager coordinates and monitors the delivery of services being provided to the member such as personal care, home-delivered meals, specialized medical equipment/supplies, and skilled nursing.
Personal Care:
The ADvantage Personal Care Aide provides assistance with activities of daily living. Some of these activities include personal care, light house-keeping, laundry, meal preparation, and shopping.